My poor Bubba has suffered for almost 6 years now with breathing problems, constant bowel impactions, turning blue for no apparent reason, always sniffling, coughing and short of breathe!!! We have had him in every hospital, doctors office, specialists you name it!!! He has been admitted to the hospital more times than I even care to count, and he has spent more time than any child should being poked, prodded and irritated!!! He has even had some very trying stays in the PICU, and we have almost lost him on more than 1 occasion!!! All we ever heard from the doctors was, "He's Fine, We can't find anything wrong, Just keep giving him treatments (around the clock), Heres some more meds try these" and THE ALL TIME WORST THING "Your just going to have to deal with it" WHAT?!?!?! SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!! Ok yeah no problem at all, he can just suffer, struggle to breathe and live a normal daily life, have an SPO2 way below normal, not be...